CARPET DUSTING MACHINE CRF 2100 F, Carpet And Seat Washing Machines
CARPET DUSTING MACHINE CRF 2100 F, Carpet And Seat Washing Machines

The machines known as brushed carpet dusting machine or carpet whisking machine are vacuum 'carpet shaking machines' used for cleaning powdery dust, foreign matter and mites in carpets before carpet washing. If the carpet goes directly to the washing process without using a brushed carpet dusting machine and these dusts in the carpets are not cleaned, even if more water and detergent are used during the washing process, enough shine cannot be achieved, the dust adhered to the bottom of the carpet will come to the surface when the washed carpets are shaken lightly after drying. it still looks dirty. Standard dusting machines clean the carpet only by beating. Brushed carpet dusting machines, on the other hand, make the carpet pile removal process easier by scanning most of the hair, bristle, fluff and even carpet piles on the carpet before starting to shake the carpet with the brush on the front. At the same time, thanks to the brush in front of the brush dusting machine, the carpet hairs stuck to each other are separated from each other, allowing the dust and mites remaining at the bottom of the carpet to be cleaned much more easily. Brushed Carpet dusting machines clean 6 m² of carpet in an average of 30 seconds with an extremely easy and non-skillful use. Crf 2100 F Brushed carpet dusting machine has a width of 210 cm. Therefore, it can be easily used for cleaning 6m² carpets. Brushed carpet dusting machine is very simple to use. Carpet is placed in the basket in front of the dusting machine. It is placed in the basket in front of the carpet brush dusting machine with the hairs facing down. The brush dusting machine automatically pulls the carpet into itself. While the dusting machine collects the hair, hair, fluff, pile objects on the carpet piles with the brush on the front and separates the carpet piles, the carpet is shaken with the carpet beater apparatus at the back, the dust spilled from the carpet is poured into the dust chamber under the beater apparatus. Dust that is poured into the chamber under the brush dusting machine is vacuumed by the Internal Dusting machine vacuum unit and collected into the dust bag next to the carpet dusting machine, and the dusting process is completed before carpet washing. One of the issues to be considered while making a price research for brushed dusting machines is whether materials such as wood, profile pipe, etc. that can damage the carpet are used, the suction power of the vacuum unit and the annual maintenance cost should be calculated and the dusting machine should be researched and decided. Brushed dusting machines are carpet dusting machines that should be preferred by companies that do the carpet pile removal process manually after washing, especially since they facilitate the carpet pile removal process.

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