PARS ZINC OXIDE-1KG, Other Petroleum & Chemical - Plastic Industry
PARS ZINC OXIDE-1KG, Other Petroleum & Chemical - Plastic Industry

DMRSUREN KIMYA KIMYADEPOSU In Tire Rubber Industry; It is used as an accelerator in the vulcanization of tires. By increasing the flexibility of the tire, it provides resistance against abrasion and tearing. In Paint Industry; In addition to being a white pigment, it is a chemically reactive substance and has a thickening feature. It protects the paint from ultra violet light, delays its fading, adds hardness to the paint layer, and has an anti-mildew effect. It increases the resistance against thermal and mechanical shocks and the brightness of the material in the Ceramic and Glass Industry. It improves the optical properties of glass. In the Textile Industry; It acts as a filling material, gives whiteness and durability to the material it is used on, gives elasticity, and creates an effect against mold and bacteria. In the metal coating industry; It is used in the coating of various metal surfaces and in the protection against corrosion, as well as in the surface coating of electrical household appliances, as it increases the electrical resistance. In the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry; It helps cell regeneration with its antiseptic and drying properties. Moreover; It is used in making matches, accumulators, batteries, chemical smoke.

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